Fire Safety Tips for Seniors in Florida Nursing Homes

Fire Safety Tips for Seniors in Florida Nursing Homes

Residents of Florida nursing homes face different risks – including the risk of injury or death from a fire on the premises. The prospect is particularly frightening because many seniors in nursing homes and elder care communities are bed-ridden or have limited...
Six Key Numbers Regarding Florida Nursing Home Abuse

Six Key Numbers Regarding Florida Nursing Home Abuse

This year, there will be up to a half million allegations of nursing home abuse in Florida and nationally. On top of this, an unknown number of claims will go unreported. In Florida, state inspectors have the power to shut down a nursing home or elder care facility...
Six Key Numbers Regarding Florida Nursing Home Abuse

Six Key Numbers Regarding Florida Nursing Home Abuse

This year, there will be up to half a million allegations of nursing home abuse in Florida and nationally, and an unknown number of claims will go unreported. In Florida, state inspectors have the power to shut down a nursing home or elder care facility that receives...
Bill Attacks Punitive Damages in Nursing Home Abuse Lawsuits

Bill Attacks Punitive Damages in Nursing Home Abuse Lawsuits

A bill that would make it harder to seek punitive damages for willful and extreme patient abuse at a Florida nursing home is making its way through the state legislature. In a 7-2 vote, SB 1384 passed the Senate Judiciary Committee led by GOP on April 1. SB 1384 adds...
Killer Bacteria Threatens Seniors in Florida Facilities

Killer Bacteria Threatens Seniors in Florida Facilities

Nursing homes in Florida are preparing themselves for drug-resistant bacteria, which kill roughly half of the individuals that it infects. Unfortunately, seniors in long-term, acute care facilities are those who are hit hardest. The killer bacteria, known as...
Florida Nursing Homes Added to Watch List

Florida Nursing Homes Added to Watch List

Families in Florida who are choosing a nursing home for a loved one need to know as much as possible about the facilities they are considering. That is why the “Watch List” of Florida nursing homes is so valuable. The Watch List – compiled by the state Agency for...